Saturday, November 20, 2010

Greenfinch - Carduelis chloris

Size: 5-6.25"
Adult male: extensive yellow edges to primaries; greater coverts and edges to secondaries and teritials gray; yellow sides to base of tail.
Adult female: duller than male; gray-brown upperparts and yellow at sides of base of tail.
Call: is a harsh twittering 'twichit' or 'twichichichit', occasionally given as an individual 'chit' 'chip' or 'teu teu' or variations, and a sharp, rising 'swee-it' or 'tsooeet' is the alarm call.
Song: is a repeated collection of phrases incorporating the call notes, usually beginning with dry nasal trill and continuing with a slowly rising 'teu teu teu teu', interspersed with a 'tswee' or 'zeee' note.

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