Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dybowski's Dusky Twinspot - Euschistospiza dybowskii

Size: 4.75 inches.
Male: crimson from mantle to uppertail-coverts, white spots on black flanks
Female: duller than male; crimson upperparts broken by brown feather bases showing through, wings browner than male, generally more spotted on flanks.
Juvenile: slate-gray body, dull reddish-brown upperparts unspotted.
Call: a soft and quickly repeated 'tset' or 'tsit-tsit', also used as an alarm note but much louder, becoming 'tsit-tsit-tsit'.
Song consists of a variety of trills and phrases suggestive of a Canary variety, deep bubbling notes of a Nightingale and flute-like phrases of a Black bird.

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